Home Reversing Linux' Seccomp Berkley Packet Filters

Reversing Linux' Seccomp Berkley Packet Filters


Linux offers a process/thread sandboxing technology called Secure Computing, or seccomp in short. This technology focuses mostly on the syscalls being made by a process, and it is used by a wide-range of modern software to serve varying purposes. Despite it practicality and its popularity, the amount of online content which deals with this technology remains modest, and that is why I am writing this blog post.

Throughout this post, I aim to provide information which is essential to understanding how seccomp filters work, and more specificall, how to reverse them; As well as a practical example at the second part of this post. However, this post is by no means an extensive guide on seccomp/seccomp-BPF, but rather a document which will help you browse through the reference material (instruction set per se) faster and more efficiently.

Overview of Seccomp-BPF

Introduction to Seccomp:

Seccomp (Secure Computing) is a Linux security feature which aims to restrict the type of syscalls being made by a process. Once a process configures its seccomp state, each subsequent syscall made by that process is verified by the seccomp faccility for whether it is allowed to run or not.

It is often compared to the OpenBSD pledge() syscall, in the sense that they both perform somewhat the same functionality. The exception to this comparison is that Linux’ seccomp facility is more complex than pledge(), notably, because it provides more-tweakable testing conditions, as well as more performable actions than its FreeBSD counterpart.

A process can set up its seccomp facility by calling either the seccomp() or the prctl() syscalls, and supplying the appropriate parameters with regards to each parameter; Among these paremeters are the desired seccomp mode to be deployed, alongside other mode-dependant arguments.

Currently, there exists two modes for seccomp: Strict Mode and Filter Mode.

Strict Mode:

In this mode, only the read(), write(), and _exit() syscalls are allowed to be made by the process. It can be set up by either:

  • Calling the prctl() syscall as follows:
  • Calling the seccomp() syscall as follows:

The two forms are functionally identicall.

Filter Mode:

The other mode is filter mode, which provides more flexibility than the previous mode (strict mode). In this mode, The process can configure:

  1. Which syscalls are allowed to be made.
  2. Which syscalls are forbidden.
  3. Which syscalls are allowed conditionally depending on the calling arguments; For example, a process can prohibit reading from a specific file descriptor (stdin per se), and this is by filtering-out calls to the read() syscall with the first argument being equal to 0.
  4. The action be performed after each match: kill the calling process, kill the calling thread, raise a SIGSYS, etc.

This seccomp mode can be set up quickly by either:

  • Calling the prctl() syscall as follows:
prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1);    // Mandatory operation
  • Calling the seccomp() syscall as follows:
prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1);    // Mandatory operation
seccomp(SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER, 0, filter);

The syscalls’ ACL as well as the actions to be executed are supplied to seccomp by means of a Berkley Packet Filter, which we will look at in more detail later this article; And the the first prctl() call is required if the calling thread does not have the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability. See the capabilities and seccomp man pages for more information.

Significance in The Context of Cyber Security.

Seccomp is used by a plethora of modern-day software, and can be useful in many different situations; For example, when implementing process or thread isolation. It can also be used as an extra protection layer against control-flow hijacking attacks, by restricting the syscalls that a potential threat actor can make; For example, prohibiting the use of the system() syscall and thus preventing certain ret2libc scenarios.

Seccomp could also be potentially utilized by malware authors to obfuscate the control flow of a program, as well as hiding it in regular software. This can be accomplished by taking advantage of BPF programs’ ability to send certain signals to the calling process, as well as their ability to communicate with the seccomp agent; The respective handler of these two actions can both be modified in certain instances by the calling thread to preform a certain pre-defined function. In addition to this, these actions (sending signals and calling the agent) could be programmed to be triggered only when a certain condition is achieved, such as the write() syscall attempting to write certain data to a specific file descriptor; This could be utilized to execute specific code only when certain conditions are met.

All of this is can be programmed by means of Berkley Packet Filters, which we will look at in the next section.

Berkley Packet Filters:

The Berkley Packet Filter is a technology that was originally created for the purpose of analyzing and filtering network packets; It consists of a 32 bit virtual machine with a simple instruction set, and it is charactarized by:

  • Fixed-length instructions: Each opcode is 64 bits long.
  • 11 32-bit Registers: R0-R10, wherein R0 is the accumulator register.
  • scratch memory: Contains 16 32-bit cells addressable from 0-15.
  • packet-focused execution context: Unless specifically , data references are usually made with relation to the object being filtered, as opposed to the memory as with popular architectures.

Although BPF was created with the purpose of processing network packets in mind, its rigidity made it a good candidate to be used in the seccomp project at the time of its conception; The only aspect that is particular to seccomp-BPF is that it adds some system-specific functionalities (by means of return values), as well as operating on the seccomp syscall-information structure rather than a network packet. Other than that, everything remains the same including the virtual machine as well as its instructions set.

The Filter Machine’s Instruction set:

BPF instructions are encoded using the following fixed format:

8 bits (LSB)4 bits4 bits16 bits32 bits (MSB)
opcodedst registersrc registeroffsetimmediate

The least significant byte is futher divided into the following field:

3 bits (LSB)5 bits (MSB)
Instruction ClassClass-dependant Data

The 3 lower bits encode the instruction class, which can be either of the following:

0x0BPF_LDnon-standard load operations
0x1BPF_LDXload into register operations
0x2BPF_STscratch-memory store from immediate operations
0x3BPF_STXscratch-memory store from register operations
0x4BPF_ALU32-bit arithmetic operations
0x5BPF_JMP64-bit jump operations
0x6BPF_JMP3232-bit jump operations
0x7BPF_ALU6464-bit arithmetic operations

In the Arithmetic Instruction class (BPF_ALU) for example, the least significant byte is organized as follows:

3 bits (LSB)1 bit4 bits (MSB)
Instruction Classsrcopcode

Where the 4th bit specifies whether to use the src_register or the immediate value as a source operand.

The remaining 4 bits specify the type of arithmetic operation to perform; For example, some instructions within the BPF_ALU class include: BPF_ADD, BPF_MUL, BPF_XOR, and BPF_RSH among others.

A detailed description of the instruction set can be found on The Linux Kernel Archives.

The Context of a Seccomp Filter Machine:

The context of a Berkley Filter Machine consists of its registers, its scratch memory, and the main part which is the filtered-object. In Network Berkley Packet Filters, that object is a network packet; In the seccomp environment however, that object is the seccomp data structure.

The seccomp data structure is defined in the linux/seccomp.h header file, and it contains the following information on the syscall being made:

  • nr: The number of syscall being made. For example 59 for the execve() syscall.
  • arch: Stores the system call convention (Further Reading).
  • instruction_pointer: The contents of the eip/rip register at the time the syscall was made.
  • args: An array of 6 arguments of size 64 bits.

As a result, the ld (load) instructions for example, will operate mainly on this structure unless specifically told not to by setting the BPF_IMM bit.

The Actions of a Seccomp Filter Machine:

The outcome action of a seccomp BPF program — thereby the action it performs — is determined by its return value. There are 8 defined return values for seccomp-BPF in the linux/seccomp.h header file; The following table defines them in order of importance:

Return ValueSemantic
SECCOMP_RET_KILL_PROCESSKills the calling process
SECCOMP_RET_KILLKills the calling thread. (is a synonym of SECCOM_RET_KILL)
SECCOMP_RET_ALLOWAllow the syscall without logging it
SECCOMP_RET_TRAPDisallows the requested syscall and raises a SIGSYS signal
SECCOMP_RET_USER_NOTIFNotifies the user space by means of calling user-defined seccomp agent
SECCOMP_RET_ERRNOSets the errno variable
SECCOMP_RET_TRACEPass it to tracer (such as ptrace) || Disallow
SECCOMP_RET_LOGLog the syscall and then allow it

Disassembling BPF Programs:

Given the basic structure of BPF instructions, disassembling them can be a straight forward task. There already exists a Github Repository which disassembles BPF instructions into the opcodes as defined here.

Summary of The First Part:

In this part, we have seen an overview of the seccomp facility, how to set it up, its filter machines, as well as the in-use instruction set.

Next, we are going to attemp to reverse engineer a binary which sets up seccomp for its corresponding processes, more appropriately, we will be reversing the seccomp filter it uses to filter syscalls.

Practical Example (HTB University CTF):

As a practice problem, we will be taking a look at a reversing challenge that was published during the HTB UNI CTF

Preliminary Analysis:

Examining the ELF header — notably the program and section header — shows no discrepancies:

elf-header ELF metadata

Examining the symbols’ section however reveals an morsel of interesting information, which is that the program has a dynamic reference to the prctl() syscall:

syms-table Symbols Table (Functions Only)

Aside from this, nothing seems out of the ordinary, which means that now it is time to start static analysis.

Static Analysis:

Opening the main function in IDA, we are greeted first with the disassembly of the main function:

main-function Disassembly of the main function

What this code does is the following:

  1. Prints out the string: “Say the magic word”.
  2. Reads a 50-character string from standard input using fgets, stores it on the stack, and finally strips out newline characters from the string.
  3. Calls a peculiar function named: install_filter, and it does not return anything.

The program then continues execution as normal after the install_filter function returns, and enters the following loop:

loop Main function’s loop

This is a for-loop, it executes for 5 iterations, and it is controled by a stack variable $rbp-4 which is incremented by 1 with each iteration.

The $rbp-4 variable is used to iterate through the input string (password) in chunks of 5 characters at a time. With each iteration, the current chunk is first tested for whether it is an empty string or not, then, syscall number 600 is requested and the $rbp-4 variable is supplied to it as parameter along with the 5 characters of the current password chunk. The program prints a success message if all loop executes normally for all five chunks, or strangely if each chunk is an empty string.

The thing which arouses suspicion here is that syscall 600 is not a valid Linux syscall, and the syscall number usually stops at around 400 on most Linux systems. Additionally, the fact that the password is being passed to the syscall increases the possibility that this syscall is doing the passphrase verification.

Moving on, Let us look at the install_filter() function which gets called in main before the loop executes. The function’s disassembly is as follows:

install-filter Disassembly of the install_filter() function

The function is not complex and it is easy to understand, it mainly makes 2 calls to prctl() (along with 4 additional perror() and exit() calls for error handling). To figure out what each prctl() call is doing, we can look at the sys/prctl.h header to dereference the option’s numerical value.

The first syscall is being made to prctl() with the option NO_NEW_PRIVS, which is an option we mentioned earlier when talking about installing seccomp-BPF filter.

Examining the second prctl() syscall, we can see that is is calling prctl() with the following parameters: 0x16, 0x2, and $rbp-0x490. Using the prctl() man page, we can infer the following with regards to each argument:

  • First Argument (option): This argument specifies the action to be performed. According to the prctl.h header file, the option number 0x16 corresponds to the PR_SET_SECCOMP option, which indicates that the action to be performed is to set up the process’ seccomp instance.
  • Second Argument (arg2): Within the context of the PR_SET_SECCOMP option, this parameter specifies the seccomp mode to be setup (STRICT or FILTER). According to the seccomp.h header file, the value 0x2 refers to filter mode.
  • Third Argument ($rbp-0x490): When the prctl() function call is asked to set up seccomp in filter mode, the third parameter must contain the BPF filter to be installed according to the struct sock_fprog structure, which is defined as:
    • len: A short-unsigned integer which contains the number of instructions in the structure’s BPF filter.
    • filter: The BPF filter to be installed.

(Note: Although the len field is defined as a short int, the BPF filter starts at offset 16 within the structure. This is due memory-alignment requirements within structures.)

The next thing to do is to examine the 3rd argument that is being passed to prctl(), which is a pointer to a stack variable ($rbp-0x490) which contains the BPF filter. This section is filled at the start of the subroutine as follows:

set-filter Setting up the filter structure

First, the contents of the asc_2060 global variable is copied into the filter field of the struct sock_fprog, this is done 8 bytes at a time 144 times. After that, the len field of the seccomp filter structure is set to 144; This means that our BPF program contains 144 instructions, and it totals at 144 * 8 (1152) bytes. The contents of the asc_2060 variable do not get changed at any point throughout the program execution:

asc-2060 xrefs to the asc_2060 variable

Extracting The BPF Filter:

Given the size of the BPF filter (1152) and the offset (0x2060) at which it resides in the file (global variable asc_2060), we can extract it using the following commands:

bpf-extraction Extraction of the embedded BPF filter

After the extraction, we can pass the extracted bpf program to the disassembly script I mentioned earlier in this post. Doing so gives us the following disassembly:

0x0000:   20 00 00 00 04 00 00 00      ldabsw    r0,       r0,  #4		; r0 <- P[4]
0x0001:   15 00 01 00 3e 00 00 c0      jeq       r0,       #-1073741762,+1	; r0 == -1073741762 ? pass : kill_thread
0x0002:   06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ret       SECCOMP_RET_KILL
0x0003:   20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ldabsw    r0,       r0,  #0		; r0 <- P[0]
0x0004:   15 00 01 00 58 02 00 00      jeq       r0,       #600,+1		; r0 == 600 ? pass : return
0x0005:   06 00 00 00 00 00 ff 7f      ret       SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW
0x0006:   20 00 00 00 10 00 00 00      ldabsw    r0,       r0,  #16		; r0 <- P[16]
0x0007:   15 00 00 21 00 00 00 00      jeq       r0,       #0,  T:+0, F:+33	; r0 == 0 ? pass : goto next_block
[redacted block 1]
0x0029:   15 00 00 21 01 00 00 00      jeq       r0,       #1,  T:+0, F:+33	; r0 == 1 ? pass : goto next_block
[redacted block 2]
0x004b:   15 00 00 21 02 00 00 00      jeq       r0,       #2,  T:+0, F:+33	; r0 == 2 ? pass : goto_next_block
[redacted block 3]
0x006d:   15 00 00 21 03 00 00 00      jeq       r0,       #3,  T:+0, F:+33	; r0 == 3 ? pass : goto_next_block
[redacted block 4]
0x008f:   06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ret       SECCOMP_RET_KILL

Some blocks of code have been redacted to illustrate the general structure of the program, and because those blocks are identical except for 2 immediate values in each block; We will come back to them later on.

In making sense of the previous assembly, one should bare in mind that the functionality of each the operands (specifically src and dst registers) depends heavily on the instruction being executed. For example, in the ldw instruction the first operand is the destination, wheras in the stw instruction it is the source; Additionally, some instructions ignore certain operands, such as ldw ignoring the second operand, and ldxw ignoring the first operand.

This makes reversing the program slightly more difficult, and the capstone engine provides a more intuitive disassembly (as shown in the following figure); However, for some reason, capstone would fail to disassemble certain BPF instructions on my machine, notably the stw instruction; Therefore I will continue using the github script in this post, and will update it if I get around to solving the issue I am having the feature.

capstone-disassm Disassembly according to capstone’s python module

Reversing the BPF Program:

To understand the exact action performed by each instruction, we can refer to this instruction set as well as the FreeBSD bpf manual page (specifically, the FILTER MACHINE section). With disassembly and reference manual being ready, it is now time to disassemble the BPF program.

The first 2 instructions are making sure that the syscall convention is appropriate. This is done by loading the 32-bit value at the offset 4 of the sock_fprog seccomp structure (which is the object being filtered), then comparing it the appropriate value and killing the thread if the syscall version is not the desired one.

After that, the following 2 instructions are making sure that the BPF is working with the “secret” syscall (number 0x258), which is the one being called by the crackme binary. This is done by retrieving the nr field of the struct sock_fprog, and then comparing it to the immediate value 600; If the values do not match (i.e. the seccomp facility has been summoned by another syscall), then the BPF program returns gracefully (without terminating the calling thread).

Once the BPF filter assures it is working on the 0x258 syscall, the key-checking part of the program begins executing.

The key-checking algorithm is divided into 4 blocks of identical code (which will be discussed shortly); Which block gets executed depends on the i parameter being passed to the 0x258 syscall. This gets acoomplished by first getting the i field from the seccomp structure (this gets done by the instruction 0x0006), after that, a switch statement is used to determine which block gets executed.

Now, it is time to examine the aforementioned blocks. The disassembly of the first block is as follows:

0x0008:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ldw       r0,       r0,  #0	; r0 <- 0
0x0009:   02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      stw       [r0],     #0   	; M[0] <- r0
0x000a:   20 00 00 00 18 00 00 00      ldabsw    r0,       r0,  #24	; r0 <- first_char
0x000b:   61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ldxw      r0,       [r0] 	; r1 <- M[0]
0x000c:   1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      sub32     r0,       r0   	; r0 <- r0 - r1
0x000d:   02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      stw       [r0],     #0   	; M[0] <- r0
0x000e:   15 00 01 00 48 00 00 00      jeq       r0,       #72, +1	; r0 == 72 ? pass : kill
0x000f:   06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ret       SECCOMP_RET_KILL     
0x0010:   20 00 00 00 20 00 00 00      ldabsw    r0,       r0,  #32	; r0 <- second_char
0x0011:   61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ldxw      r0,       [r0] 	; r1 <- M[0]
0x0012:   1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      sub32     r0,       r0   	; r0 <- r0 - r1
0x0013:   02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      stw       [r0],     #0   	; M[0] <- r0
0x0014:   15 00 01 00 0c 00 00 00      jeq       r0,       #12, +1	; r0 == 12 ? pass : kill
0x0015:   06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ret       SECCOMP_RET_KILL     
0x0016:   20 00 00 00 28 00 00 00      ldabsw    r0,       r0,  #40	; r0 <- third_char
0x0017:   61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ldxw      r0,       [r0] 	; r1 <- M[0]
0x0018:   1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      sub32     r0,       r0   	; r0 <- r0 - r1
0x0019:   02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      stw       [r0],     #0   	; M[0] <- r0
0x001a:   15 00 01 00 36 00 00 00      jeq       r0,       #54, +1	; r0 == 54 ? pass : kill
0x001b:   06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ret       SECCOMP_RET_KILL     
0x001c:   20 00 00 00 30 00 00 00      ldabsw    r0,       r0,  #48	; r0 <- fourth_char
0x001d:   61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ldxw      r0,       [r0] 	; r1 <- M[0]
0x001e:   1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      sub32     r0,       r0   	; r0 <- r0 - r1
0x001f:   02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      stw       [r0],     #0   	; M[0] <- r0
0x0020:   15 00 01 00 45 00 00 00      jeq       r0,       #69, +1	; r0 == 69 ? pass : kill
0x0021:   06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ret       SECCOMP_RET_KILL     
0x0022:   20 00 00 00 38 00 00 00      ldabsw    r0,       r0,  #56	; r0 <- fifth_char
0x0023:   61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ldxw      r0,       [r0] 	; r1 <- M[0]
0x0024:   1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      sub32     r0,       r0   	; r0 <- r0 - r1
0x0025:   02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      stw       [r0],     #0   	; M[0] <- r0
0x0026:   15 00 01 00 1c 00 00 00      jeq       r0,       #28, +1	; r0 == 28 ? pass : kill
0x0027:   06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00      ret       SECCOMP_RET_KILL     
0x0028:   06 00 00 00 00 00 ff 7f      ret       SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW

The first 2 lines initialize the first word of the scratch memory to the value 0. After that, 5 distinct sub-blocks of code ensue which verify each argument.

Each subblock first retrieves the corresponding character and it calculates the difference between it and the scratch-memory variable, then, it replaces the old value of the scratch-memory variable with the new difference, and finally it checks to see if the difference is equal to a specific value.

This is repeated 5 times in each main block for a total of 4 blocks, totalling at 20 characters being tested, which is the length of the key. With this information it is now time to keygen the crackme.

Solving The Challenge:

Given the set of values being tested against the difference, in addition to the knowledge we have of the program, we can now write a script which gives us the key for this binary:

# differences set
a = [72, 12, 54, 69, 28, 98, 16, 36, 63, 34, 45, 70, 31, 68, 31, 111, -2, 114, -81, 206]
a = [a[i*5:(i+1)*5] for i in range(5)]

flag = []
for arr in a:
    temp = 0
    for elem in arr:
        temp = elem

flag = "".join(map(chr, flag))
print(f"Flag is: {flag}")

Executing this script gives us the flag and the passphrase, which is: HTB{abr4ca-seccomp!}

Summary of The Second Part:

Throughout this practical example, we have seen how to detect if a seccomp state is being set up, as well as how to reverse the filter being used in case that state is in filter mode. We have also seen how how to disassemble as well as how to understand of the symantics of the program using only static analysis, which is crucial knowledge since BPF programs are harder to debug.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, this post has covered several aspects of detecting and reverse-engineering syscall sandboxes, as well as detailing portions of their inner workings. The list of points to be kept-in-mind when dealing with seccomp filters can be summed up as the following:

  1. When reversing Linux executables, be wary of prctl() syscalls, since they might be indicating that the process or thread is installing a syscall filters.
  2. Special attention should be paid to the seccomp return values when reversing seccomp-BPF filters, since they essentially define the set of actions that the BPF program at hand can perform.
  3. Knowing the opcodes of seccomp-BPF programs, one can modify a process’ embedded BPF filters to alter its behaviour. For example, place a ret SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW at the start of the BPF filter, in case a piece of malware is prohibiting certain syscalls (possibly with specific arguments) from being made.

If you have any Feedback, or would like to reach out to me, feel free to do so on Twitter.

Thank you for your time :)

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.